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Why only Ron Paul can beat Barack Obama in 2012

Of all the GOP candidates, Ron Paul receives the most support from young voters, minorities, and independents. No other GOP candidate will attract independents or Democrats and liberals disenfranchised with Obama’s wars and civil liberties abuses. Without the youth vote, minorities, and independents, you simply cannot win a general election. (2.5 million people have left [...]


I may be a broke college student, but I’m donating everything I can to Ron Paul in terms of money, time, and energy. I’m tired of the wars, I’m tired of the bailouts, and I’m tired of the government thinking I work for them (not the other way around). Time to bring true change to [...]

Why Not Michele Bachmann (In 60 Seconds)

Why not to vote for Michele Bachmann in 2012. Please “like” and share with your friends! Tweet

Why Not Mitt Romney (In 60 Seconds)

Why not to vote for Mitt Romney in 2012. Please share this video and spread the word! Feel free to subscribe to the DavidKretzmann YouTube channel. Tweet

Why Not Rick Perry (In 60 Seconds)

Why not to vote for Rick Perry in 2012. Please “like” and share with your friends. Spread the word! Tweet