Comments on: The Assassination of an American Teenager Pursuing a Free, Voluntary, Peaceful World Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:32:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Attorneys Attorneys Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:57:33 +0000 Another one of the great posts, keep up the great scans…

By: Terry Derwitsch Terry Derwitsch Sat, 11 Aug 2012 17:35:55 +0000 America will wake when they learn to seek the truth, learn to triage problems for possible solves then choose the best solve together AND join in a massive group and act TOGETHER and not one minute before they do that. After they do it; it’s a piece of cake. A really big piece!

By: C C Fri, 27 Jul 2012 06:26:30 +0000 oh..don’t worry..some have..not all but some.

By: The Assassination of an American Teenager « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog The Assassination of an American Teenager « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog Thu, 19 Jul 2012 12:26:12 +0000 [...] As reported by David Kretzmann: [...]

By: KAREN KAREN Sat, 07 Jul 2012 04:05:54 +0000 You KNOW the CIA killed him because this teenager would’ve probably gone to the press and told everyone that his father was working ALONGSIDE THE US GOVERNMENT ON FAKE “TERROR” PLOTS.

By: Doc N. Doc N. Fri, 06 Jul 2012 21:32:46 +0000 This is so sad, murder by any means is sad. I don’t think anyone deserves it, no matter where they happen to be visiting. There is no real evidence that Muslims were responsible for the attacks on the towers that supposedly justifies this war.

Innocent people, children included are being hurt and killed and for what? The G.O.D. the government=Gold, Oil and Drugs. Look at the documentary: Ring of Power and Fahrenheit 9/11 to really see who is responsible for what.


By: megan megan Fri, 06 Jul 2012 17:25:33 +0000 Blind,blind,blind!! Wake up. SMDH,just don’t get how people can have no sense of common sense…you are being lied to,you have always been lied to. You are a trained circus monkey,easily taught and manipulated. Take one,hard, clear, look at this whole world and see with open eyes what is going on and why it goes on. Or….live in your bubble,where its warm and where the t.v. flickers fear 24 hours a day. Better put some better locks on your doors and arm yourself to the teeth…ooh yeah and btw,buy this cool new watch! It’s shiney and sparkles and has a built in lazor pointer to mess with the neighbors dog whose been dumping in your yard.

By: Angel Phoenix Angel Phoenix Fri, 06 Jul 2012 01:09:48 +0000 I am sorry to read about this tradegy and the unfortunate death of your friend, Abdulrahman Al-awlaki. Sometimes that is all that you can do is question the why of how this could happen. There are many soldiers that have come back from the last wave of tours with a different mindset and some have posted videos on YouTube apologizing for carrying out orders to the where they have backed down and resigned from the military for exactly this reason–it is senseless, it is inhumane and it has nothing to do with Freedom or Peace–it is an agenda which keeps all in the dark but know that it isn’t all Americans that rally for war-no one wants to see innocent people get in the crossfire…but the fight teaches the soldiers to not think like a human and not see any people as innocent-they are objects while they are engaged and that is a travesty for all mankind. Peace with you as you continue to bring Light to a friend that was just like regular teenagers and he was an American born citizen~American. wings~Angel Phoenix *** *** ***

By: The Assassination of an American Teenager | David Kretzmann « The Jeenyus Corner The Assassination of an American Teenager | David Kretzmann « The Jeenyus Corner Fri, 06 Jul 2012 00:29:07 +0000 [...] READ MORE [...]

By: Joe Joe Thu, 05 Jul 2012 22:05:25 +0000 Yes he is a US citizen. So was his father, as was Pete Seda, and millions of anchor babies…Being born here does not mean you have the country’s interests at heart. There are many of the country’s interests I don’t agree with, but subterfuge will NEVER be remedial action. There are many places you can’t go to with a US passport. Yemen, Lebanon, Cambodia, and Cuba being a few. Now why they were in this hotbed as US citizens is a mystery to me since the Mother is listed as Egyptian and father as being born in New Mexico (again…my point), all this does is reinforce the government’s concerns with respect to the father and why he was there. Then I’m sold this bill of goods that the kid ran away from home without anyone’s knowledge or approval so that he can find his father who is accused of having terrorist ties in an area rife with people having terrorist ties…Were this kid and his family total morons or did this kid have reason to hunt down his terrorist dad? Did his dad sway his thinking and convince him to join the cause (sins of the father). Did someone find out the drone was coming and sent him to warn his father? While all loss of life is tragic, I am not saddened by the loss of an idiot. There is much about this we simply do not know
To the posts here, come on people, really. It is actually cheaper to keep military persons overseas than to keep them here. Military is self sufficient. They build their own buildings, supply their own power with generators etc. Purify their own water. set up their own communications…it’s an autonomous society that only requires fuel and food both are cheap especially over there $1.25/gal (based on liter which is the measure of volume in the surrounding area). The bulk of military spending is actually civilian contractors both of the local American Lockheed, black water, construction, shipyard types and of the indigenous local types. Many uniformed services had their own cooks. Now that job is contracted out to locals in the area to promote prosperity and good will. Yes even our military outsources. The PX (post exchange) is staffed completely by foreigners and dependent wives. Weather it’s Iraq or Okinawa there are 2 servicemen and 1 local at every gate. This all adds up seriously. Then there’s retirement and disability and other earned benefits. Whatever is left gets split between equipment and payroll. That’s the short end of that stick. And if they were stateside water, gas, utility, everybody and their mother comes in to choke out those same expenses to make a buck and like I said we have our own share of contractors here ready to bleed the defense budget dry. Obama may be a douche bag and a moron, but does that make him responsible for the actions of other douche bags and morons who are acting solely on their own self-interests?
