Comments on: Why We Can’t Ignore the Assassinations of Abdulrahman Al-awlaki and Anwar Al-awlaki Pursuing a Free, Voluntary, Peaceful World Sun, 13 Oct 2013 21:20:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Aaron Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:57:41 +0000 Anwar Al-awlaki was found in the contact list of the Fort Hood shooter. The Fort Hood shooter is currently sitting in jail waiting to hear if he has to shave his beard for the trial, or if that constitutes a violation of his rights.

The use of drone strikes was brought up once in the recent Presidential election, and Mitt Romney applauded Obama’s policy. The candidates agreed, so the topic moved along. How can there be a serious debate if the media only covers the issues the major party leaders disagree on?

By: Terry Derwitsch Terry Derwitsch Sat, 11 Aug 2012 17:39:47 +0000 Some one asked, “when will America wake?”. America will wake when they learn to seek the truth, learn to triage problems for possible solves then choose the best solve together AND join in a massive group and act TOGETHER and not one minute before they do that. After they do it; it’s a piece of cake. A really big piece!
