David Kretzmann » Non-Interventionism http://davidkretzmann.com Pursuing a Free, Voluntary, Peaceful World Sun, 24 Mar 2013 15:44:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5.1 Why the Military Supports Ron Paul (11.11.11) http://davidkretzmann.com/2011/11/ron-paul-veterans-for-peace-11-11-11/ http://davidkretzmann.com/2011/11/ron-paul-veterans-for-peace-11-11-11/#comments Fri, 04 Nov 2011 15:16:02 +0000 David Kretzmann http://davidkretzmann.com/?p=824 Of all the 2012 presidential candidates, none is more mocked and misunderstood when it comes to foreign policy than Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s non-interventionist foreign policy is repeatedly misinterpreted as a radicial isolationist view. Interestingly, the military donates more money to Ron Paul than any other candidate (including President Obama).

So far in this election cycle, Ron Paul has received more than $100,000 from active duty military personnel. Obama has brought in nearly $69,000. Military donations to all other GOP candidates combined still comes up short of Ron Paul’s tally.

Surely the people accusing Ron Paul of being a radical and fringe thinker with foreign policy aren’t going to accuse the troops of the same thing. There is a reason the military supports Ron Paul. Here are two videos I made to help explain why.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

Be sure to contribute to the Ron Paul Veterans Day 11.11.11 Money Bomb. Pledge your support at www.SupportThemNow.com.


http://davidkretzmann.com/2011/11/ron-paul-veterans-for-peace-11-11-11/feed/ 4
Ron Paul on Blowback, Foreign Policy, and Peace http://davidkretzmann.com/2011/09/ron-paul-on-blowback-foreign-policy-and-peace/ http://davidkretzmann.com/2011/09/ron-paul-on-blowback-foreign-policy-and-peace/#comments Sun, 25 Sep 2011 06:42:56 +0000 David Kretzmann http://davidkretzmann.com/?p=634

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

Blowback is a term used by the CIA to explain unintended, harmful consequences of military action (particularly aggressive action). Ron Paul is the only presidential contender who truly understands blowback and why current U.S. foreign policy endangers the national security of the U.S.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.


http://davidkretzmann.com/2011/09/ron-paul-on-blowback-foreign-policy-and-peace/feed/ 8