Ron Paul: Speak Up, Speak Often Against War

"Eventually everyone will realize that murderous wars are anti-freedom, anti-family and anti-justice. Speak up, speak often and don't worry about those that at this point can not understand as they can never un-hear what we tell them." ~ Ron Paul

‎Ron Paul is the only man in “public office” who actually inspires people to be better individuals. I can say definitively that my life has changed dramatically for the better because of Paul and the inspiration he has provided me. My only hope is that I can pass on a glimmer of this inspiration to others.

"People are dying. Bombs are dropped. Our soldiers are shot at and killed. Our soldiers wear a uniform; our enemies do not. They are not part of any government. They have no planes, no tanks, no ships, no missiles, and no modern technology. What kind of a war is this anyway, if it really is one? If it was a real war, we would have won it by now." ~ Ron Paul


"We're in 130 countries, we have 700 bases around the world, and it's going to come to an end. I want it to come to an end more gracefully and peacefully, follow the constitution, and follow a more sensible foreign policy." ~ Ron Paul

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