During his stint as Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura undertook efforts to promote and educate people about hemp. Ventura made an appeal for hemp to President Bill Clinton in this 1999 letter. Dear President Clinton: It is no secret that farmers in Minnesota and around the country are looking for creative answers to the farm [...]
Ron Paul is one of the few representatives in Washington D.C. who has steadfastly defended the right of Americans to freely produce, process, and sell hemp products. Most officials and representatives in government have no clue even about the history of hemp’s criminalization (which goes all the way back to 1937). Hemp used to be [...]
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both actively grew hemp throughout many years of agricultural endeavors at their treasured Virginia abodes, Mount Vernon and Monticello, respectively. There is little evidence to suggest that either man grew the marijuana strain of cannabis; they likely grew the strain of cannabis commonly referred to today as “industrial hemp,” which has [...]
Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Jerry Abramson came to Berea College today and spoke to our entrepreneurship class. I took the opportunity to inform him about industrial hemp and why it should be immediately decriminalized (before hemp was criminalized in 1937, it was the number 2 crop grown in Kentucky behind Tobacco, and Kentucky grew more hemp [...]