When I first heard Ron Paul in the 2007 presidential debates, I thought he was a nut. I considered is ideas to be wacky, extreme, and unnecessary. However, my curiosity was consistently piqued by some of the statements he made in the debates and other interviews. After doing my own research for nearly six months, [...]
Blowback is a term used by the CIA to explain unintended, harmful consequences of military action (particularly aggressive action). Ron Paul is the only presidential contender who truly understands blowback and why current U.S. foreign policy endangers the national security of the U.S. Tweet
“10 years, 2 wars, 919,967 deaths, and $1,188,263,000,000 later, we managed to kill one person.” Even after the supposed victory of bin Laden’s death, who wants to bet that the U.S. military remains in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, and the other 130+ countries we occupy for an indefinite amount of time? Osama bin Laden’s [...]
People often use the quote, “The only constant is change.” Sometimes this phrase (or something similar to it) is used to bash over the head those who prefer liberty and freedom to government interventions. We are told that those who don’t embrace social change through government must love the rich, hate the poor, and enjoy [...]
Was it the “free market” that exploited Japanese Americans in World War II? Was it “capitalism” that drafted thousands of young men to be sent off to Vietnam, with many to return in body bags? Is it the free market that implements mandatory wage and price controls, takes a third of each American’s income, and [...]
One of the greatest misunderstandings we have with government today is its true and proper role. We have seen government continually grow through Republican and Democrat administrations and both parties, come election time, spout the same drivel that they think people will gobble right up. You will notice that at every election the talk is [...]
Marriage is one of the most controversial and debated issues in the U.S. today. It seems to me that both sides of the argument are missing a key question: why is government even involved in marriage? The history of marriage licenses is not widely known. In the early history of our republic, marriage was a [...]