My father was recently diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer, and medical marijuana is one of the tools we are using in an attempt to decrease the cancer and recuperate his health. At this point it is just a matter of weaning him off of the pharmaceutical drugs and getting back to natural treatments (without [...]
Ron Paul is one of the few representatives in Washington D.C. who has steadfastly defended the right of Americans to freely produce, process, and sell hemp products. Most officials and representatives in government have no clue even about the history of hemp’s criminalization (which goes all the way back to 1937). Hemp used to be [...]
Gatewood Galbraith is an independent candidate for governor of Kentucky. He has received the endorsements of Willie Nelson, the Green Party, and the Constitution Party. The man is principled, dedicated to individual liberty, and is a shining example of what we need in America today. It was a pleasure to meet him and hear his [...]