Displaying posts tagged with

“Mutually Assured Respect”

Ron Paul: Mutually Assured Respect

Ron Paul’s suggestion to follow a foreign policy of Mutually Assured Respect, or a foreign policy based on the “Golden Rule,” may be the most revolutionary idea he has brought into the public spotlight. Treat other countries how we would want them to treat us. Trade with nations, talk with nations, travel and engage in […]

Ron Paul: Cooperation and Diplomacy in Foreign Policy

“We must change our foreign policy from one of interventionism and confrontation to cooperation and diplomacy.” ~ Ron Paul Tweet

Why the Military Supports Ron Paul (11.11.11)

Of all the 2012 presidential candidates, none is more mocked and misunderstood when it comes to foreign policy than Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s non-interventionist foreign policy is repeatedly misinterpreted as a radicial isolationist view. Interestingly, the military donates more money to Ron Paul than any other candidate (including President Obama). So far in this election […]