From the International Association of Chiefs of Police and DEA’s 2010 report: And from the 2011 paper I wrote on prohibition: As we have explored, marijuana is proven to be a less dangerous substance than tobacco and alcohol. Not only is it less dangerous in terms of its addictive properties and physical harm to people, it [...]
Hemp for Victory was a 13 minute propaganda-esque film released by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1942, urging U.S. farmers to grow industrial hemp for the war effort. Of course, it was just five years earlier in 1937 when the anti-Cannabis campaign efforts of Harry Anslinger and the Bureau of Narcotics successfully culminated [...]
Just a few of the products hemp is capable of making. Due to excessive regulations and abstract and inane laws (if not outright prohibition as in the U.S.), countries that have somewhat legalized hemp still heavily limit the amount of hemp that is able to be grown and processed into products such as textiles, building [...]
My home state of California is taking charge this November 2010 election with The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, which would legalize the contained growth and use of marijuana. Essentially the measure would bring marijuana to the level of alcohol and cigarettes: restrictions on use but certainly not making criminals out of [...]