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Both Romney and Obama Are Dangerous

Mitt Romney is dangerous. Barack Obama is dangerous. Neither of them want to leave you alone. Neither of them want to end needless and atrocious wars overseas. Neither of them will dare espouse an original thought. Both are pawns. Both want to use government force to their advantage. But go on, get emotionally attached and [...]

Don’t Vote for What You Don’t Want

Unfortunately, this point is not easily understood by people continue to spout the dogmatic and rehashed excuses in support of the two-party system. In reality, it’s a pretty simple concept: don’t vote for what you don’t want. There is no reason to get emotionally attached to these two corrupt, hypocritical, and tyrannical political parties. Tweet

Paul Ryan Is Not Principled

Paul Ryan talks a good talk (sometimes), but in the end he votes for more spending, more government intervention, and military adventurism. Romney doesn’t even have anything close to a coherent and consistent philosophy or record. And no, I am not voting for Obama/Biden either. Nothing will change so long as we continue to support [...]

Don’t Blame Me

Don’t blame me. It’s not my fault that your corrupt, anti-liberty, pro-war, sold-out political parties nominated corrupt, anti-liberty, pro-war, sold-out candidates. I will NOT vote for Romney or Obama. Tweet