“How is it that we line up like sheep at the airport and let the government grope us in ways that would get anybody else in the country fired or arrested? I say enough is enough. Let’s stop being sheep.” ~ Gary Johnson
Barring a miracle at the Republican Convention in Florida this August, Gary Johnson will be the only antiwar presidential candidate who dares challenge the status quo (including the TSA’s invasive and unconstitutional “security” practices). Learn more at GaryJohnson2012.com.
Jesse Ventura endorsed Gary Johnson earlier this week on CNN:
The satisfaction you express, fellow citizens, that my endeavors have been unremitting to preserve the peace and independence of our country, and that a faithful neutrality has been observed towards all the contending powers, is highly grateful to me; and there can be no doubt that in any common times they would have saved us from the present embarrassments, thrown in the way of our national prosperity by the rival powers. — Thomas Jefferson