I am continuously amazed how quickly people attempt to defend politicians, regardless of the hypocrisy and sheer lunacy displayed by political figures. What have these politicians done to earn your trust? What makes them worth defending? We’re led to believe that without these cherished political behemoths starting new wars, torturing people and ignoring the rule [...]
Blowback is a term used by the CIA to explain unintended, harmful consequences of military action (particularly aggressive action). Ron Paul is the only presidential contender who truly understands blowback and why current U.S. foreign policy endangers the national security of the U.S. Tweet
For those interested in learning more about the negative consequences of the minimum wage and why it hurts those it is intended to help, please refer to the work of Walter Williams, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Thomas Sowell, and Thomas E. Woods Jr. Those who blindly support the minimum wage are supporting a mandate that [...]
When President Franklin Roosevelt signed the National Industrial Relations Act on June 16, 1933, the National Recovery Administration (NRA) was created. The NRA, one of the major components of Roosevelt’s “New Deal” legislation, was created in response to accusations of “cutthroat competition” and the need for “fair competition.” Economic historian Thomas DiLorenzo explains the “NRA [...]
This video is a great summary of how economic and civil liberties go hand in hand; you cannot have one without the other. There is only one liberty: Individual Liberty. Life, liberty, and property; so simple yet so easy for government to claim as its own. Tweet
Currently I read reading the book 33 Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed to Ask by Thomas Woods (author of recent best-seller Meltdown). In it Woods brings up the Civil War and questions if it was really only or largely about slavery, as is commonly believed and taught in U.S. classrooms. He mentions a [...]