Rasmussen 2012 Poll – Ron Paul 38%; Barack Obama 39%

Today, Rasmussen reports that in a hypothetical 2012 match-up, Ron Paul would receive 38% of the vote versus 39% for Barack Obama:

Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul earns 38% of the vote to President Obama’s 39% in the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters. Fourteen percent (14%) like some other candidate, and eight percent (8%) remain undecided.

Also of interest in the report:

Paul, whose long run afoul of the GOP establishment with his libertarian policy prescriptions, picks up 61% of the Republican vote, while 78% of Democrats fall in behind the president. Voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties prefer the longtime congressman by 10 points – 43% to 33%.

Of course, anyone who has researched the voting records and principles of Ron Paul and Barack Obama understands there really is no comparison between the two. After all:

  • Ron Paul is actually anti-war and would end the Iraq War; Obama has hardly changed a thing in Iraq.
  • Ron Paul would bring all U.S. troops home; Obama has started and expanded new endless wars in Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Libya.
  • Ron Paul voted against the PATRIOT Act (Obama, on the other hand…)
  • Ron Paul predicted the 2008 financial collapse. (“The only candidate who predicted the economic crisis is the only one who can get us out of it.”)
  • Ron Paul has voted against every unbalanced budget.
  • Ron Paul would legalize marijuana; Obama is currently attacking medical marijuana dispensaries.

These are just several of the facts that demonstrate Ron Paul is a far superior choice to Barack Obama. What others can you think of?

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3 Responses to “Rasmussen 2012 Poll – Ron Paul 38%; Barack Obama 39%”

  1. A. McIntosh says:

    Great article, however, your bullet point in regards to marijuana is misleading. Saying that a president will “legalize” marijuana implies that he will make it legal nationally. As president, Ron Paul cannot and will not force states to legalize marijuana. Ron Paul’s position is that he wants to “decriminalize” marijuana at the federal level. Per Constitution, drug laws are left to each individual state. Ron Paul merely wants to strip drug laws from federal jurisdiction. Forcing legal-marijuana on all states would be just as unconstitutional as prohibiting it from all states. Thus, he cannot “legalize” marijuana. He will let each state decide their own drug laws.

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    • Hi A. McIntosh,

      You are absolutely correct. In the interest of keeping the bullet points short and simple I, well, kept it short and simple. :-)

      Ron Paul would only be able to repeal the federal War on Drugs and legislation criminalizing marijuana. At the very least, he could stop the federal enforcement of those laws currently happening through the Department of Justice (in the same way that Obama recently ordered the DOJ to go after medical marijuana dispensaries).

      Thank you for your comment! I appreciate your thoughts.



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  2. [...] a recent Rasmussen Report poll shows that in a potential race between President Obama and Ron Paul, Paul trails behind the President by only a single point. [...]

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